I want to take a minute and dedicate this post to my new true love...the Dyson! Right as we were moving to the new house my old vacuum (A bissel) broke! So we ended up having to vacuum our entire downstairs with a dustbuster so we could pass our cleaning inspection! Good times! After the vacuum broke I was a little shy about buying a new vacuum. It's hard to commit when you've had your heart broken so many times before. Anyway, after 3 months of borrowing my mom's vacuum every time the girls made a mess (which is frequently) I finally found a new vacuum that I was ready to take the plunge with!
I found the Dyson DC14 on Amazon.com and flagged it so that I would get daily emails about changes in price. (By the way we LOVE amazon here so I'm sure that it will be a subject of a post in the coming weeks!) Anyway, one day it came on sale for about $150 off the price so I grabbed it! So far I've been thrilled with it! We have berber carpet upstairs and in the basement but most of the living areas are wood and tile. The dyson has been great for all floor types! And the coolest part is the extension/attachment part! Instead of the hose extension coming out of the top of the vacuum it comes out of the bottom so when you are pulling on it, it doesn't pull the whole thing over. So if you are vacuuming around baseboards the rest of the vacuum just follows around behind you instead of having to move it every 10 seconds. The handle itself unclicks and becomes the extension part...so it give you about 3 feet of reach to vacuum ceiling and blinds too! Oh yeah, and the whole thing is yellow which is awesome...because everyone wants to vacuum when the vacuum looks totally sweet! If you are intersted in seeing a little movie about the extension part you can see one here: http://www.vcdiscounter.com/dysondc14.html
I'm kind of a walking commercial for things when I find something I like. So when I got my new vacuum, I only vacuumed half of the stairs so that my husband could see the difference it made! Which was huge! I also couldn't believe how much junk it pulled out of my carpets and rugs! Anyway, after Alex got done laughing at me for acting like a vacuum salesman, he too was impressed with the difference it made! Anyway, if life finds you without a working vacuum I would recommend looking at a Dyson. They do cost more than other brands but so far it has been worth the difference and if you don't mind waiting for a good deal you can find them on sale online all the time!

I love my Dyson too!