Monday, May 13, 2024

Chicken Bagels


Forgive the less than perfect picture and the paper plate! I didn't have time to take a better one but these are worth a post so that I have them for next time. These come together quickly thanks to rotisserie chicken! The picture shows the sandwhich with all the fixings listed below but we did have several kids who opted out of some of the toppings and they enjoyed it too. 

Chicken Bagel Sandwiches

8 cheddar jalapeno bagels (or bagels of your choosing)

Chipotle Mayo

1 rotisserie chicken (removed from bones and chopped)

1 jar of roasted red peppers

1 lb. cooked bacon (I used precooked bacon)

8 slices sharp cheddar

Dijon mustard


Preheat broiler. Slice bagels in half and place bottom halfs on a large baking sheet. Spread with chipotle mail and top with rotisserie chicken, red bell peppers, bacon and cheddar cheese. Broil on low for 5-6 minutes (checking occasionally) until bagel is slightly toasty and cheese is melted. Spread top bagels with dijon mustard and place on top. Enjoy!

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